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2010 Andalusian Feria Dates

Each year, the arrival of the Feria de Abril in Seville marks the beginning of the Andalusian feria season (Spring and Summer). Last Sunday, the Feria de Abril closed with a spectacular fireworks show, but there are still a lot of ferias to enjoy in 2010...

Here's a list of some of Andalusia's most important ferias and their dates in 2010:

Feria del Caballo: Jerez de la Frontera 2-9 of May

Feria de Nuestra Señora de la Salud: Córdoba 21-29 of May

Feria del Corpus: Granada 31 of May – 6 of June

Feria de Agosto: Málaga 13-22 of August

Feria de la Virgen del Mar: Almería 23-29 of August

Feria Colombina: Huelva 29 of July - 3 of August

Feria de San Lucas: Jaén usually around October 18th

For a complete list of Andalusian ferias and their respective dates, visit:

Photo of the 2010 Feria de Abril by Santiglz on Flickr.       

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