Day 10 of the Jerez Festival: Patricia Ibáñez, Abel Harana, Joaquín Grilo & Soniquete
In the Los Novismos cycle, the dancer from Sanlucar Abel Harana and the dancer from Jerez Patricia Ibáñez debuted their show “Memoria Antigua” with which they intended to recover the styles that have fallen into disuse, such as the seguiriya de Frijones from Jerez, las cantiñas from Pastora and Lebrija, the romances del ciclo carolingio, and the zángano from Puente Genil. Trained in the Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía, the two dancers face the challenge of succeeding as solo artists...
Joaquín Grilo returns as a headliner at the Jerez Festival with a rerelease of his latest show “Leyenda Personal” (Personal Legend). The dancer from Jerez renewed his show almost completely, restructuring the lighting, sound and format of the production, giving it an entirely new facade. Among the new additions is the collaboration of flamenco pianist Dorantes, with whom Grilo has prepared different musical compositions.