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Leaving the capital: Bringing flamenco to all municipalities

Apart from filling the spanish capital of shows for a whole month, "Suma Flamenca" also takes the "Flamenco" to other towns less known

where there are lots of fans. For the occassion of the 25th anniversary of the Museum Picasso-Collection, Eugenio Arias of the Community of Madrid, the tow where the close friend and barbe of Picasso, Eugenio Arias, was born and died after his french exile, Buitrago de Lozoya, accomodates a museum as a tribute to this wonderful friendship as an initiative and administration of the regional Governement 25 years ago.

The "maestro" Enrique Morente joined the commemorative acts of this museum with a recital called Pablo de Málaga I, the 15th of june, in the "Sala Roja" of the "Teatros del Canal", and Pablo de Málaga II, the 2nd of july in the Patio de Armas of the building Amurallado of Buitrago de Lozoya.
The exquisitive voice of Estrella Morente, will open the festival in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, on saturday the 5th of june. That same day, the historic city of Alcalá de Henares will take in one of the best guitars of the Flamenco history, Enrique Melchor.
In Rivas Vaciamadrid there will be two shows: the first one will be the dance of Mari Paz Lucena, the 5th of june, and the second one will be the "cante"of Guadiana and Paco Taranto, sunday the 13th of june.
The regional center of Humanities Cardenal Gonzaga Sierra Norte of the Community of Madrid , in La Cabrera, has scheduled the 12th of june a concert of "cante" with Carmen Corpas, while the dance of Juan de Juan will step the stage of Villaviciosa de Odón and of the "maestro" El Güito" will do it in Torrelodones, both onjune the 26th.
One more year, the Plaza Mayor of the TOrrelaguna, Talegón de Córdoba and the young Sonia Miranda will perform. "Suma Flamenca" 2010 mixes quality and quantity. The 4th of june, in the first day of the XXVII "Semana Flamenca" of Alcobendas with Capullo de Jerez, Juana la del Pioa nad Mariana Cornejo will offer a emotional farewell to Chano Lobato; on the second day, saturday the 8th, the XVI "Distinción Peña Chaquetón, to Tomasa Guerrrero "La Macanita", in an evening in which the guest of honour and José Menese will sing.
All the information about the Festival of Flamenco of the Community of Madrid Suma Flamenca is in:
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