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"Mixtolobo" offers flamenco and electrical guitar, deep art and Jimi Hendrix

Combina la guitarra flamenca de Juan Diego con la eléctrica de Jorge.
"When I began to sell this show, someone asked: What is that exactly? The music has always been international and we cannot lock it.", said the guitar player Juan Diego, who is accompanied by Jorge Gómez in this prject called "Mixtolobo". "We are young and we like to party", said both of them. Their offer combines the flamenco guitar of Juan Diego and the electric one of Jorge. "I am the flamenco part and he is the rock'n'roll!", said the artists from Jerez, trained by El Carbonero, José Luis Balao and Manolo Sanlúcar.

With this music they are trying to bring "an alternative vision of flamenco, a way to extend its vocabulary". Accompanied by the electric bass of Ignacio Cintado and the percussion of Juan Peña "Chispa", they perform a romance of the disc "Luminaria", by Juan Diego, second disc in solo, recorded in the United States and about to be published. They will also perform a rumba "Dieguito" and an extended version of "Malika". For the most rock'n'roll part, Jorge Gómez will contribute with some personal compositions and he also dares with Jimi Hendrix. 
New disc

"Mixtolobo" publishes its new disc and offers a concert included in the official program of the Jerez Festival. Both musicians know each other from other works with Tomasito. Under the label Los Delinqüentes. "All the musicians participating in this project have a few years of experience playing together.", says Gómez during the presentation of the
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