This flamenco selection is "very cañí, very traditional and old school" part of this art, according to Carlos Rodriguez words for the media. Always according to his point of view, this is a show based "on the roots". For Angel Rojas, this is an emotions assembly, through which we notice a part of their experience. "The show offers a lot of copla, of race, part of what Spanish persons are", adds Rojas.
The script is made up of ten stages or choreographic works, each one defined by a flamenco rhythm: cantiñas, sevillanas, fandangos, bamberas, bulerias, seguidillas... All that with the change, the new step starts, as central axis of the subject. The choreographers invite us to a variety game and style changes, in harmony with differents flamenco rhythms and in a visual context that leads the spectator at the end of the 50's. With this new proposal, Rojas and Rodriguez wanted to offer a lot of space and protagonism at four of their dancers, who are showed in their best advantage. Maria Lopez, Pilar Gonzalez, Veronica Lopez and Raquel Tamarit that form the dance team, giving the best of themselves from the beginning of the show until the end. Another innovative aspect of this production is the active of the musicians, who interact on stage with the troop of dancers during the choreographies. In the same way, the magnificence of the work is guaranteed by the selection of the clothes and the floodlighting, specially made for the show. It is necessary to underline the incredible voices of Davina jaen and Sandra Rincon; the guitars of Daniel Jurado and Gaspar Rodriguez; and the violin of Raul Marquez. |
The New Spanish Ballet is exploring the magic of the flamenco universe in "Cambio de tercio": XV. Festival of Jerez