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The Royal Family supports the candidacy of the flamenco to the Immaterial Patrimony

La Infanta Elena vestida con un traje de inspiración española
Infanta Elena de Borbon

The Royal Family announced to the Cultural Government Department that they will support the candidacy of the flamenco for its inclusion on the Representative List of the Immaterial Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity of the Unesco. In a letter sent by this institution we are informed that the King Juan Carlos thinks it's "very intersting" and "wishes all the best to this project".

The candidacy of the flamenco is counting with the support of the central government, but also with the autonomous governments of Andalusia, Murcia and Extremadura. All these are important supports. Furthermore more than 6000 individual votes have been obtained during last term and we can now add the support of the La Coruña University, the Mont Marsan Festival, the president of the Andalusian Business Men, Santiago Herreri or Daniel Barenboim among others, but also federations, fundations and associations in connection with flamenco art, the "arte jondo". Sum-total among two millions of Ansalusian support this candidacy. 

Letizia Ortiz vestida con una falda de mantón de manila
Principes de Asturias

The aim is to get more social and institutional supports for this project, born with the purpose of getting a largest acknowledgment for this cultural and Andalusian demonstration. Therefore the Cultural Government Department started a campain "FLamenco Soy" (I am Flamenco), celebrating a few events in Spain but also in Brussels, Shanghai or Tokyo.

The flamenco is submitting its candidacy again after a frustrated try five years ago. The poject's aim is to promote some intrinsic keys of the flamenco, also strict specifications of the Unesco convention for the Immaterial Cultrual Patrimony, such as the oral tradition, the interculturalis and the crossbreeding, the music quality, the dances and lyric, its ability to show feelings and the presence of some personality during all important events of our cultural tradition.

The project, presented in Paris on August 27. and admitted in October 1. 2009, will know its future next November, during the meeting of the Immaterial Patrimony Comission in Nairobi

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