It was the beginning of an intimate and fruitful relationship between Sanchez and the flamenco universe, as fan and as witness, camera in the hand, of the evolution of this art and the technology that allowed him to capture it. “The digital revolutionized the photography. You loose the fear to make pictures. I come from the time where a roll cost thousand pesetas and develop it other two thousand, a picture was very expensive” he said.
The exhibition presented in Murcia is, moreover, the reflection of the human condition. From the “impetuous and visceral” pictures of his youth he passed to “calm photographs” of the maturity. He had to come across many challenges during many years, like for instance “make a publishable picture to Jose Monge Camaron. All the pictures he took were closed up and reflected such a dramatic character, and such a pain on his face that I could not published them”.
With various photo exhibitions planned, emphasizes the one that will take up, during the Bienal, the “Cuarto Alto del Apeadero del Real Alcázar”. Under the title “Unforgettable”, Voices for memory, Sanchez will show in pictures “the memory” of the flamenco sing in the photographs of Chocolate, La Niña de la Puebla, Valderrama or El Gallina, to mention some of the singers he met again after having found a file of the best flamenco of the last decade.