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The XI Larachi Flamenca will take place from the 9th to the 12th of june in the Teatro Alameda.

La XI Larachí Flamenca se celebrará del 9 al 12 de junio en el Teatro Alameda
Belen Lopez
 The XI Larachi Flamenca, which also has closed dates in Paris and Malaga, will take place from the 9th to the 12th of june in the Teatro Alameda of Sevilla, a change of scenary due to the big success in the past editions that forced the organisation to change the scenary from the "La Peña Torres Macarena", that gave so many nights of success.

One of the best and firm bet of the festival was the support and the diffusion given to the
 new figures. After years, "Larachi Flamenca"keeps showing the most representative in dance, singing and the world's most famous flamenco touch.
los jóvenes que forman parte del elenco artístico de la XI Larachí Flamenca tienen una larga experiencia en el flamenco
Guadalupe Torres
 The young people that form part of the artistic cast of the XI "Larachi Flamenca",have a large experience in flamenco and have an important training. A look to their lifes histories make you think that the training has been a very important pillar for all of them and, although their youth, the experience gainned in big companies and stages all over the world, has contribute to bring a big value to their trajectories.
The program of "Larachi Flamenco", organized by Sonada Productions and the collaboration of the Council of Seville through the Bienal of Flamenco, will be held on the 9th of June with the dance of Antoñete and Manuela Ríos, the singing of El Moi and the Tañe, the guitar of Paco Iglesias and the musical composition of Miguel Iglesias,while on the 10th of June the dancer Guadalupe Torres, the singers Ismael de la Rosa and Juan José Amador, the percussionist Kike Terrón and the guitar player Víctor Tomate, will go on stage.
The weekend of the 11th and 12th of June is booked for Belén López that will dance on saturday accompanied by the singers Saúl Quirós and David de Jacoba, the guitar players Carlos Jiménez and the percussionist Rafael Jiménez"El Chispa".
Sunday will close with the dancer Lidón Patiño,the singer Angélica Leyva,the guitar player Carlos Orgaz and the percussionist Amador Losada .
All the concerts will start at 22,00. The tickets, that are already on sale, cost 14 euros and
there is a voucher for the days 9th, 10th and 11th of June for a price of 33 euros.
There is no voucher for the concert of the 12th.
You can buy the tickets at the Theater Lope de Vega, from 11,00 to 14,00 and from 18,00 to 21,00 every night, an hour before de beginning of the show.

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