Programme on Canal Sur TV on Monday January 10. at 10.30 pm. The TV programme will be a tribute to the Paquera de Jerez, with the intervention of the sisters Mendez and Jesus Mendez. Argentina, Tomas de Perrate, Mariana Cornejo, Joaquin Grilo and Lya and Makarines will also be present, as Lola Montoya, unforgettable member of the mythical duet Lole and Manuel, idol of a whole generation, will be one of the great actor of the first programme of the year 2011 produced and copresented by Jesus Quintero and Fran Rivera next January 10. on Canal Sur TV at 10.30pm. Lole will delight the viewers with themes like "Todo es de color" and "Tu presencia". El Lebrijano and Pastora Soler will sing "Anunciacion de la Pascua", a theme of religious influences. |
La familia de Enrique Morente ha sido la encargada de comunicar la triste noticia del fallecimiento del cantaor. En un comunicado, en el que confirma la muerte del artista pasadas las cinco de la tarde de hoy, afirma que se marcha "un creador único y una persona maravillosa", que "deja un enorme vacío en nuestros corazones y en el de la música, a los que se dedicó por entero y con entrega a lo largo de toda su vida". Los familiares expresan "en estos momentos difíciles y de dolor", su "sincera gratitud hacia todas las personas que nos han trasladado su afecto y cariño"Ese quejío postrero se le coló de improvisto, como se inmiscuía la genialidad en su voz mientras improvisaba. Enrique Morente ha muerto. Se ha ido como uno de los versos que metió a compás. En un instante. El pasado viernes 3 de diciembre entró por su propio pie en la Clínica La Luz de Madrid aquejado de una hernia de hiato y, paradójicamente, allí ha conocido la oscuridad definitiva. |
Broadcasted in Canal Sur TV on monday the 13th december at 22:30. Farruquito, Farruco and El Carpera form one of the most important sagas of "bailaores". Miguel Poveda, Lole and José Mercé will show their prodigious faculties and the artis from Jerez Duets of Falete with Niña Pastori, of Argentina with Pepe Roca and of Júnior with the "Hermanas Bautistas". Salvadora Fernández will remember the visit of Michelle Obama to a flamenca cave of the Sacromonte. Programme broadcasted on Canal Sur TV, on Monday, December 13. at 10.30pm, Farruquito, Farruco and the Carpeta are one of the most important dancers saga. Miguel Poveda, Lole and José Mercé will demonstrate, once again, their abilities and the artist from Jerez will sing in latin the "Salve Regina".Some great duets: Falete with the Niña Pastori, Argentina with Pepe Roca and Junior with the Bautista Sisters. Salvadora Fernandez will remember the visit of Michelle Obama to her flamenco cave in Sacromonte. Juan Andrés Maya, Antonio el Pipa and David Palomar will also be there. The flamenco is an art linked to some important families. "El sol, la sal, el son" produced by Jesus Quintero and presented by Fran Rivera, will focus on the Farruco dynasty next Monday, December 13, on the channel Canal Sur TV, at 10.30pm and will offer some great flamenco shows. Farruquito, Farruco and the Carpeta will show their know-how and will demonstrate why they are considerated the number one in dance. |