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Paco de Lucía makes speak his guitar and acts in the Axerquia Theatre.



The mastery of Paco de lucia, the genius of the six strings, has been showed once again on the Tablas of the Axerquía Theatre on Saturday night. Once again, in Córdoba, we could enjoy the best artist that the flamenco gave until now.

Buzz Lightyear will dance flamenco in Toy Story 3
Cartel de Toy Story 3 con Andy y Buzz Lightyear
Cartel Toy Story 3
PPixar and Disney will give another turno of the screw to the secret life of the toys in Toy story 3, in which Buzz Lightyear, the spacial robot will do some steps of flamenco for his new misión when Andy, his owner, will g oto the university.

The distribution company has disseminated the official trailer of the movie, in which we can see haw, after a breakdown in the adventure, Buzz Lightyear recovers his functions but a bit upset: dancing flamenco.
The flamenco ballet of Eva Yerbabuena opens the Mérida Festival
La 56 edición del Festival de Mérida (Badajoz) abre este viernes su temporada de representaciones con el espectáculo 'Lluvia', del ballet flamenco de Eva Yerbabuena
Eva Yerbabuena
The 56. edition of the Merida Festival (Badajoz) starts this Friday with its new shows period with the performance of the flamenco ballet of Eva Yerbabuena in "Lluvia" (Rain), substituting "Medea 2", under the thematic of the water.

This show represents the unique way to renew the festival under this thematic, in line with the philosophy of this new edition. The Greek companyof Dimitris Papaioannou has cancelled its show for the opening of the festival, admitted Francisco Suárez, the festival director, during the press conference.

"I chose the water thematic for the festival and I am very lucky that Eva is free this week-end.", confessed Suarez, who has also admitted that the dance show won't offer any Greek-Latin essence.
"I was very stressed out about the possibility to cancel the opening of the festival and I think that I wasn't allowed to do that, I had to find a solution", said Suarez.
"Mixtolobo" offers flamenco and electrical guitar, deep art and Jimi Hendrix
Combina la guitarra flamenca de Juan Diego con la eléctrica de Jorge.
"When I began to sell this show, someone asked: What is that exactly? The music has always been international and we cannot lock it.", said the guitar player Juan Diego, who is accompanied by Jorge Gómez in this prject called "Mixtolobo". "We are young and we like to party", said both of them. Their offer combines the flamenco guitar of Juan Diego and the electric one of Jorge. "I am the flamenco part and he is the rock'n'roll!", said the artists from Jerez, trained by El Carbonero, José Luis Balao and Manolo Sanlúcar.

With this music they are trying to bring "an alternative vision of flamenco, a way to extend its vocabulary". Accompanied by the electric bass of Ignacio Cintado and the percussion of Juan Peña "Chispa", they perform a romance of the disc "Luminaria", by Juan Diego, second disc in solo, recorded in the United States and about to be published. They will also perform a rumba "Dieguito" and an extended version of "Malika". For the most rock'n'roll part, Jorge Gómez will contribute with some personal compositions and he also dares with Jimi Hendrix. 
Matilde Coral, happy for the Spanish flamenco gratitude.
Matilde Coral bailaora y decana de las maestras sevillanas del baile flamenco.
Matilde Coral
The dancer and the dean of the greatest dancers from Sevilla, Matilde Cora, is happy for the absolute gratitude that the Spanish flamenco world is showing, because flamenco is, for her, hier whole life.

Matilde Coral assures that since a few years "flamenco has its fully deserved place". This week, the flamenco dancer will be present at the flamenco classes offered by the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO) in Carmona (Sevilla). The dancer also said that flamenco had lucky and bad times but today it is living in the fullness, and it's something marvellous".
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