According ti the title of this production, the "duende", magician (Karen Lugo), and the watch, "el reloj", are the main characters of this show. The first one, the "duende" is the innovator, and the second one is characterized by its immobility, a posture that the magician treis to change all along the show, showing the watch the different "palos" of the flamenco. Latorre also made appear other historical characters such as Léonard de Vinci, René Descartes, Albert Einstein or Salvador Dali; he used the Soft Watches like as an excuse to explain the slowing down of the fandangos ryhthm. |
The Guitar Festival of Cordoba, the most important, totally dedicated to this instrument, and celebrating its 30. edition, offers more than 32 concerts and starts tomorrow with the "Misa Flamenca" by Paco Peña, the founder of this festival, born in 1981.The Patio de los Naranjos of the mosque-cathedral of Cordoba will be the stage for the work of Peña, one of the most played flamenco mass in the world and counting with the participation of the singer "El Pele".This will be the first of a lot of concerts, joining the most important names of the guitar, until July 25.
For the Dance Series at the Maestranza Theater, the dancer María Pagés presents, this Tuesday and Wednesday, her show "Mirada", where the cinema and radio inspire her choregraphies; with the music of Ruben Lebaniegos, and the voice of the actor Juan Diego, as a guiding principle.Blinding dancer, admired by dance legends such as Mikhail Baryshnikov; her "exciting" creative curiosity leads her to dance truly and respecting the tradition, but she also is a revolutionary figure of flamenco, with amazing musics such as "Casta diva" by Bellini or a waltz by Shostakovich, but she always maintains her natural and her essence.
El coso taurino se incorpora a los otros siete escenarios que repartidos por la ciudad acogerán a partir del 15 de septiembre la XVI Bienal de Flamenco con un espectáculo inaugural, "Flamenco de viva voz", que según ha informado Miguel Poveda servirá para afianzar "el vínculo taurino de Sevilla con el flamenco".El cambio de escenario que garantiza mayores condiciones de control de acceso y permite un desarrollo técnico a la altura del espectáculo, ha afirmado el director de la Bienal, Domingo González, permitirá poner a la venta cerca de doce mil entradas con precios que oscilan entre los 6 y los 35 euros. Durante su encuentro con la prensa en la Real Maestranza, Poveda ha confesado su respeto por este proyecto sobre el que ha asegurado que se "fue enamorando" hasta comprometerse a ofrecer el primer concierto de la bienal en este espacio, lo que asegura es "el sueño de cualquier artista del flamenco". |