Los fenomenales bailarines/bailaores Ángel Rojas y Carlos Rodríguez, formados en el Ballet Nacional de España y fundadores del Nuevo Ballet Español, impartirán cursos de flamenco y estilización este mes en Madrid y Barcelona.
Fecha: 10-14 de mayo
Hora: 16:00 – 18:00 hrs.
Lugar: The Dance Factory, C/ Francisco de Salas, 25
Metro: Estrecho
While we wait for the release of his new album, which will probably be available in early summer, Paco de Lucía's new tour has begun. A tour that is still adding dates and cities to the already impressive list of performance locations.
On this occasion, the maestro has surrounded himself with Niño Josele in order to incorporate new and interesting additions, the singer from Almeria Cristo Heredia, and the singer from Granada (from Motril) David de Jacoba, whose major stage debut was with the Joven Generación (Young Generation) project in May 2008. Farru is the dancer on this tour, which will include musicians that have toured with Paco in the past, such as Antonio Serrano (harmonica), Alain Pérez (bass) and Piraña (percussion).
Although dates still have to be confirmed, here's the schedule that has been confirmed up to now:
The Hispano-iranian center Casa Persa joins artists representative of different cultures on a single stage. Sufi dance, flamenco song and Hindu drums, among other disciplines, unite in a plural spectacle entitled "Encuentro de Culturas" (Cultural Encounter). This musical and dance production opens a new door that goes beyond artistic fusion.
A stunning example of cultural exchange: Majid Javadi, Jorge Pardo, Nantha Kumar, Agustin Carbonell, Sarray Muñoz, Auxi Fernandez, Luis Amador, Klara Brasil, Miriam Serrano, Eztizen Vázquez, Carmen Sanchez and Antonio Fernandez are the performers in charge of creating that meeting point between Persian culture, flamenco and Sufism. This encounter is an homage to women that intends to extol their role and struggle throughout the world.
Date: Friday, May 7
Time: 22:00 hrs
Place: Teatro Lara, Corredera Baja de San Pablo, 15, Madrid
Price: 15 Euros
Tickets: https://www.entradas.com/entradas/programacionObra.do?idrecinto=1043&idobra=65008
According to these same sources, the signatures come from 40 countries, "mainly Spain, France and the US," although votes have arrived from the majority of Latin American countries (most notably Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia) and the rest of Europe, including countries such as Germany, Finland, Greece, the Netherlands and Hungary. Additionally, votes have been cast from Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Algeria, China and Japan.
The contents of this Web site have been translated into English, French and Japanese, and through the Website, people can personally sign the candidacy and follow all of the information that is generated throughout the campaign, which will last through the last trimester of 2010, at which time the UNESCO Assembly will make its decision...
At over four thousand kilometers in length, the Spanish “LITUS” (coastline) is bathed by two seas and an ocean. As though the water possessed the country’s very culture, the land that it bathes is permeated by its emotion and life.
The Mediterranean Sea, with its warmth and ancestral culture, provides soft and melodious rhythms full of style and charged with symbolism. This journey along the coastline begins along the Mediterranean coast. From Catalonia to Valencia, passing through the Balearic Islands, we can see how the Mediterranean’s soft waves cradle with rhythmic dances that make one float in a calm se of notes and steps.
Upon approaching the Atlantic Ocean, the rhythms become accentuated along the Andalusian coast. That Mediterranean cadence intermingles with the turmoil and joy of the ocean, creating a vivid and colorful staging.