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Day 8 of the Jerez Festival: José Luis Bolao, Javier Latorre, Rafaela Carrasco, Inés Bacán, Pedro Peña & Pedro María Peña

José Luis Balao headlined the Con Nombre Propio: Vivencias cycle on the eighth of the Jerez Festival. At 71 years old, he is one of the great maestros of the guitar. He has taught for over 30 years in Jerez, his hometown, and his students include such exceptional guitarists as Javier Patino, Alfredo Lagos, Santiago Lara, Juan Diego, Pascual de Lorca and Bolita.

The eighth day also marked the end of the choreography workshop taught by Javier Latorre. Latorre has taught countless dance classes in other editions of the festival, and it was his idea to recover in some way the choreography competition aspect that existed during the Jerez Festival’s origins.


Flamencos por Haití: 18 y 19 de marzo

El pasado doce de enero Haití sufrió un terremoto de magnitud de 7 grados con epicentro en Puerto Príncipe, la capital del país. El movimiento sísmico arrasó la tierra y segó la vida de más de 100.000 personas. Una auténtica tragedia cuyas consecuencias siguen viviendo los habitantes de este país caribeño. La pobreza que ya asolaba Haití y las precarias infraestructuras con las que contaba hicieron de este terremoto una catástrofe, si cabe, de mayor envergadura.

Han sido numerosas las muestras de solidaridad con este pueblo azotado por la desgracia y los flamencos también quieren aportar su ayuda para la reconstrucción del país. La iniciativa nace de la mano del bailaor y coreógrafo David Morales que mantiene una estrecha relación con Haití donde presentó el año pasado su última producción, ‘El Indiano, bailes de ida y vuelta’ y donde asistió también al III Festival de Jazz para colaborar con el guitarrista Nono García.

Morales afirma sentirse en la obligación moral, sentimental y profesional de organizar y aportar su grano de arena y ha encontrado una más que satisfactoria respuesta entre sus compañeros. Carmen Linares, Chiquetete, Eva Yerbabuena, Tomatito, Arcángel, Marina Heredia, Farruquito, Moraíto, El Junco, María Toledo, La Tobala, Pedro Sierra, Diego Carrasco, José Carlos Gómez, Alicia Gil, Son de Sol, Tatiana Garrido, y, por supuesto, David Morales, ofrecerán lo mejor de su arte por un futuro mejor en Haití.

La cita es los días 18 y 19 de este mes a las 21:30 horas en el Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de La Línea de la Concepción, en Cádiz y la recaudación íntegra se va a destinar a diferentes proyectos para la reconstrucción de Haití.

Festival Flamencos por Haití 

Soleá, from popular lyrics to the pen of poets

Tengo un querer y una pena.

La pena quiere que viva;

el querer quiere que muera.

-Manuel Machado

The Soleá is in and of itself poetry. Poetry in three octosyllabic verses typical of the popular Andalusian lyricism that reached the pens of the most famous poets. Poetry in the majestic dance of a woman. Poetry in its melodic richness, profoundness and solemnity that make this style a basic pillar of flamenco. Its twelve beat timing has transitioned to other styles, in fact, Alegrías are also twelve beats, however, each style transmits a completely different emotion...

Day 7 of the Jerez Festival: Karen Lugo, Saray García, Antonio Canales & Mixtolobo

On the seventh day of the festival, the Mexican Dancer Karen Lugo and the dancer from Jerez Saray García graced the stage of Jerez’s Sala Compañía as part of the Los Novismos cycle. Lugo began studying flamenco in her home country and later perfected her craft in Madrid with the teachers at the famed Amor de Dios academy. García began dancing at seven years of age and studied at the Academia de Ana María López. Both dancers offered festival goers two solo numbers each. Of the two, Lugo’s elegance and style was most impressive, although García had such powerful footwork that it is worthy of mention.

On the stage of the Villamarta Theatre, the legendary dancer from Seville Antonio Canales and the Japanese pianist Mie Matsumura collaborated in the presentation of “Serenata Andaluza” (Andalusian Serenade) with a musical score by Falla, Albéniz and Granados. The show wasn’t an exercise in flamenco fusion, but rather “a true and respectful meeting of the flamenco world – dance, song and guitar – with the music composed by these geniuses of Spanish classical music history.”


Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2010 Program: ‘Flamenco de viva voz’
Bienal de Flamenco Sevilla 2010

The Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla is dressed in a tuxedo for its 16th edition, with which it turns 30 years old. There will be a total of 55 shows, of which 26 are world premiers. A date that all flamenco enthusiasts await anxiously, as the festival is celebrated only every couple of years.

From September 15 to October 9, the echoes of flamenco song will invade the city in the form of Estrella Morente’s new record, Farruquito’s choreographies, and Isabel Bayón and Rafaela Carrasco’s performance of José Antonio Ruiz’s particular interpretation of Dante’s Divine Comedy.

An excellent combination of classic artists, such as Paco de Lucia, who returns to this event, in which he hasn’t participated since 2004, who will be in charge of adding an avant-garde effect to the Bienal, just like the shows presented by the singer Remedios Amaya and the rapper Mala Rodríguez.

Miguel Poveda is responsible for opening this edition of the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, under the slogan ‘Flamenco de viva voz’ on September 15 and that will be divided into six cycles: Al son de las estrellas (To the sound of stars), Flamenco para niños (Flamenco for children), El flamenco que viene (Upcoming Flamenco, Clásicos del siglo XXI (Classics of the XXI Century), Flamenco y otras aves (Flamenco and other birds), Lo jondo del flamenco.

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