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Triste pérdida del bailaor ‘Rafael El Negro’

El mundo del flamenco llora hoy la lamentable pérdida del bailaor Rafael García Rodríguez, conocido como ‘Rafael El Negro’ a la edad de 74 años. Ha sido esta madrugada en el Hospital Infanta Luisa de Sevilla donde llevaba ingresado desde las pasadas Navidades y le acompañaba su esposa, la también bailaora Matilde Coral, con la que tuvo tres hijos.

Trianero de nacimiento y de sentimiento, ha hecho historia en el mundo del baile flamenco por su purismo, siendo considerado uno de los bailaores más elegantes de su generación.


‘Rafael El Negro’ was one of the members of the Los Bolecos trio, along with his wife and the also deceased ‘Farruco,’ a group for which they won the Jerez Cátedra de Flamencología Award. Additionally, the married couple was awarded the Demófilo de Arte Flamenco Prize in 2000.

Since the 70’s he performed in prestigious companies, such as that of José Greco, although his professional appearances have been sporadic since then, as he was almost retired and only danced form time to time. He danced publically for the last time two years ago in the Triana hotel, where he couldn’t resist the call of the stage, and he spontaneously performed with his wife.

His wake will take place throughout the day at the Servisa mortuary in the San Jerónimo neighborhood, and his funeral will be held tomorrow.

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(+34) 91 542 72 51.

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