Farruquito and familia. DVD. PAL
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Farruquito and Familia is a very special show: travelling all over the flamenco essence, we discover the roots, the purity and the tradition of the flamenco. This work combines the passion and the strength to create a flamenco without additives, in order to reach the public soul deeply.
For this exceptional occasion we count with a very special guest star, Rosario Montoya, La Farruca, a wild temperament and warm-blooded dancer. She is the symbol of a true and classical flamenco.
This show opened in Juanuary 2001, in the Town Hall, New York Coty.
2. Bulerías de la gorda
3. Alegrías
4. Bulerías de las niñas
5. Guajira. Los Farruco en América
6. Soleá
7. Fin de juerga
Aproxímate duration: 90 minutes.
Valid for all PAL DVD players.
The PAL DVD o video system is valid for European countries and Australia.
The NTSC system is valid for America and Asia.
Please, check your current DVD or video player before placing your order.
(+34) 91 542 72 51.
We’re open from Monday – Friday 10h-13:30h / 17:00-20:00h and Saturdays 10h-13:30h (GMT + 1).
In 2024, we will be closed for holidays on the 1st and 6th January, 28th, 29th, and 30th March, 1st, 2nd, and 15th May, 25th July, 15th August, 12th October, 1st and 9th November, 6th, 7th, and 25th December.
Our shop is located in Calle Campomanes nº 4, Madrid 28013 España (Ópera Metro Station)