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40 Falsetas del Maestro Fernando Carranza

Ref: 50022FALSETAS


This DVD by Fernando Carranza contains 40 falsetas flamencas. His work is divided in four palos such as fandangos de Huelva, soleares, alegrías and bulerías, masterpieces that the Cordovan artist has been compiling year after year during his huge career to publish this work now –at 81 years old- hoping that “it would help many flamenco guitarists”.

This DVD is aimed at musicians who already have some notions of flamenco guitar and want to go further learning more falsetas. It also includes scores, tablatures and rhythms for each palo to practise the new pieces. Carranza is also the creator of the Guitarmute, a small instrument specifically designed to help the beginners to train their right hand.

This DVD has been designed to allow students who have some basic notions to discover a great collection of falsetas. They will find falsetas with picados, thumbs, arpegios, tremolos, alzapúas...


This DVD contains:

. 10 falsetas por Soleá.

. 10 falsetas por Alegrías.

. 10 falsetas por Bulerías.

. 10 falsetas por Fandangos de Huelva. 


-Tacks with beats only (slow and normal speed) so that you can play once you’ve learned the falsetas.

-Transcriptions of all the pieces so that you can keep an eye on the score and tablatures at any time while watching the video.

DVD available in four languages: Spanish, French, English and Japanese.

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