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Sabor flamenco

Ref: 50511BMG141


Besides being an anthological collection, "Sabor Flamenco" serves as a platform for new characteristics of the genre. In this case it is shown as a forward of the first recording by Marina Heredia, a young cantaora from Granada.
'Sabor Flamenco' has the 21 artists involved in the album of the same title, although some may not sing solares, tangos, or bulerías. For example there is Joaquín Sabin. Most, however, know all about flamenco; artists like José Mercé, Diego el Cigala, Remedios Amaya, Estrella Morente, Niña Pastori, Niño Josele, Ketama, Chonchi Heredia and many others.
What is for sure is that each one of the artists who participate in 'Sabor Flamenco' looks to the south and is jondo in his own way. It wouldn't be inappropriate to remember the words of the great pianist Tete Montoliu when he said that having swing was knowing how to make a good potato tortilla. In other words, being able to put feeling in whatever is done.
Camarón's soul is jondo when José el Francés remembers him when covering his 'Yo vivo enamorao' or when Marina Heredia and José Lara reminisce the 'Amor de conuco' he interpreted along with Ana Belén. The throats of Estrella Morente ('En lo Alto del Cerro'), José Mercé ('Lío') and Remedios Amaya ('Anda y dame un beso') are jondo. The unorthodox conventialism of Chonchi Heredia ('Oh mare'), Niña Pastori ('De boca en boca') and Ketama ('Dame la mano') is flamenco. Truthfully constelation of flamenco stars.
'Sabor Flamenco' is an album that constantly amazes the listener. It finds music oriented towards the south with its windows open for other styles, and other ways of understanding the Andaluz music. In this manner, Rosario remembers her father, the Pescaílla and the Catalan rumba; María Jiménez skirts the mexican ranchera; Valderrama finds emotions like his father Juanito; Pasión Vega puts the verse in the new century and finds himself again; Radio Tarifa crosses the Gibraltar strait toward the West with a live recording from Canada. Andy & Lucas como from a neighberhood in Cádiz with their hit 'Son de amores' so that pop smells saltpeter and Radio Macandé does it with more of a disco groove from much closer in La Línea de la Concepción.
Yet, 'Sabor Flamenco' holds even more surprises under its sleeve. Joaquín Sabina pulls out sevillanas in 'Ratones coloraos,' a song in dedication to Jesús Quintero and his analogous program Canal Sur Televisión. Diego el Cigala, a Madrid-native cantaor, comes together with the Cuban pianist Bebo Valdés in order to discber that in music, so long as the artists are prominent, a crossing in paths is always possible, even if a 50 year difference stands in between them. And as if it weren't enough, the Almería-native guitarrist Niño Josele and the Buenos Aires-native Andrés Calamaro collaborate in 'Ranchada de los paraguayos.'
'Sabor Flamenco' es una reunión de grandes artistas que demuestran que la música es, ante todo, corazón. Y corazón flamenco no falta en las 18 canciones del álbum.
'Sabor Flaenco' is a gathering of great artists who, above all, prove music is all about heart and soul. And flamenco heart does not lack in any of the 18 songs in the album.

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