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solo compas la caña y el polo

Ref: 5050640270


Sólo Compás is a designed collection so that you can learn how to distinguish the rhythm and the compás of the flamenco's different palos. Specially suitable for the learning or improvement in the guitar and in the dance.
Sing: Jesús Heredia and Luis Moneo
Dance: María del Mar Moreno
Guitar: Antonio Jero and Santiago Moreno
Hand Claps: Quini and Rubichi
1 La Caña Complete with Dance
2 La Caña Complete without Dance
3 First Part
4 Second Part
5 Third Part
6 Falseta A of the Escobillas
7 Falseta A of the Escobillas
8 Falseta A of the Escobillas
9 Falseta B of the Escobillas
10 Falseta B of the Escobillas
11 Falseta B of the Escobillas
12 Falseta A + B Slow
13 Falseta A + B Medium
14 Falseta A + B Fast
15 Song Only to La Caña
16 Song Only to La Caña without Guitar
17 Song Only to El Polo
18 Song Only to El Polo without Guitar

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In 2024, we will be closed for holidays on the 1st and 6th January, 28th, 29th, and 30th March, 1st, 2nd, and 15th May, 25th July, 15th August, 12th October, 1st and 9th November, 6th, 7th, and 25th December.
Our shop is located in Calle Campomanes nº 4, Madrid 28013 España (Ópera Metro Station)