Paco de Lucía Zyryab. Partituras
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Zyryab is a piece that revolutionize the flamenco of that time. Thanks to it, Paco de Lucía has proved with his savoir faire different jazz instruments match perfectly well with flamenco. The master has connected most orthodox flamenco language with new harmonies, melodies and rhythms of this style which are being carefully selected and give to flamenco a completely new and renewing touch. By that period, the famous sextet had already a great experience and we could realize this connection and comprehension between them in this work.
This book has the most famous themes such as "Zyryab" itself, one of the most remarquables of the master. It also includes a historical gem, the bulería named "Compadres", a piece composed and interpreted by such another relevant figure, Manolo Sanlúcar whose transcription has been done for the two voices.
The eight transcriptions of the album Zyryab have been particularly though for guitarists, and that is why the parts played by the mandolin of Carles Benavent and some others played by Jorge Pardo's wind instruments have been adapted. Melodies of Pepe de Lucía and Potito's cante have been adapted too. The fragments interpreted by the piano of Chick Corea do not appear because of such a particular subject would add up pages and pages and this kind of books are mainly addressed to guitarists.
The transcriptions are done for one, two or three guitars depending on the theme song. Pieces are shown in dynamic tablatures with fingerings for both hands. Paco de Lucía's interpretation is as relevant as his composition, and he demonstrate a brilliant mastery of interpretation in Zyryab.
A4 Format, 240 pages
Transcription made by David Leiva
"Soniquete" (bulerías)
"Tío Sabas" (taranta)
"Compadres" (bulerías)
"Canción de amor"
"Playa del Carmen" (rumba)
"Almonte" (fandangos of Huelva)
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