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Bambino. Artist among artists 2CDS+DVD

Ref: 50112UN614


Audiovisual anthology including two CDs and one DVD. Summarize the musical career of Bambino. Under the name of “Artista de artistas” this work has an aim: claim the important mark left by BAMBINO in the popular Spanish music. This is like a tribute for the 10. anniversary of the death of the singer from Utrera.

Camaron de la Isla was a fan of Bambino, he described the singular “rumbero” as the artist among the artists. This description will give the title to this album. You will find the artist’s biography, with unpublished graphic material, but also 40 songs from all his stages. All this material prove clearly the strength of Bambino as the perfomer of his own songs (“La pared” or “Mi amigo”) but also when he performed in a different way songs composed by others like Camilo Sesto (“Algo de mí”), Manuel Alejandro (“Procuro olvidarte"), Armando Manzanero ("Adoro") or Nino Rota ("Tema de amor" de "El Padrino"), among others. On the DVD you will find almost all the shows of Bambino on the Spanish Television, from his first appearances in black and white in the late sixties to the early ninties.

“Artista de artistas” claim and dignify the figure and the work of Bambino, an artist who found his inspiration in the light but also in the darkness to be able to reinvent with a deep gipsy accent all kind of coplas, ballads and “rancheras”.


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