Ya es primavera de Plaza Nueva
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'Ya es primavera' is Plaza Nueva's new album, an album full of sevillans created to discover the Andalousian spring. Plaza Nueva is a reference in the world of the Andalousian music.
This album is offen used by danse schools thanks to it compas and art. You will find all kinds of sevillanas with a very precise compas. It is an ideal album for the 'ferias' and parties.
(+34) 91 542 72 51.
We’re open from Monday – Friday 10h-13:30h / 17:00-20:00h and Saturdays 10h-13:30h (GMT + 1).
In 2024, we will be closed for holidays on the 1st and 6th January, 28th, 29th, and 30th March, 1st, 2nd, and 15th May, 25th July, 15th August, 12th October, 1st and 9th November, 6th, 7th, and 25th December.
Our shop is located in Calle Campomanes nº 4, Madrid 28013 España (Ópera Metro Station)